investorlift review

InvestorLift Review (2024): Features, Pricing & Alternatives

real estate software May 10, 2024

Are you in the business of wholesaling real estate? Imagine having a tool to find investment properties, streamline management, and connect you to a marketplace of eager wholesale buyers. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? Well, it's not. InvestorLift is one such tool.

Our in-depth InvestorLift review breaks down every feature of this REI software to help you decide if it’s the solution you need to streamline your wholesaling and general real estate investing endeavors in 2024. In doing so, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this transformational software, starting with the following:

What Is InvestorLift?

InvestorLift is software designed to help real estate investors increase their wholesale property deal flow and investments. It features a range of tools that allow investors to track their income and expenses, generate leads, analyze potential wholesale deals, and perform other tasks that simplify the investment lifecycle.

The software was designed for wholesalers but marketed to house flippers, real estate professionals, and general property investors. For more information on what this software can do for you, refer to the rest of our detailed InvestorLift review.

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What Does InvestorLift Do?

InvestorLift is a real estate investing software designed to help investors maximize their profits by providing comprehensive tools for finding, analyzing, and closing deals. It offers access to a vast database of potential buyers and sellers, enabling users to match with the right parties quickly. Additionally, the platform includes features for analyzing property values, estimating potential returns, and managing marketing campaigns efficiently; this makes InvestorLift particularly useful for wholesalers and flippers looking to streamline their operations and enhance decision-making in a competitive market.

InvestorLift claims to simplify property acquisition for wholesalers, rehabbers, and property investors. It does that through a specific set of tools and features:

The Property Section

The property section on InvestorLift displays all properties a user has under contract. It has tools set to simplify property marketing for its users significantly. Users can upload their listings for real estate marketing purposes. Once a property is up, the following tabs pop up:

  • Photos: Allows InvestorLift users to upload as many pictures of their investment properties as needed to attract buyers.
  • Videos: Users can also upload videos of the property to offer potential buyers an even more detailed overview of the investment property.
  • Matterport: InvestorLift integrates with MatterPort, meaning users can also upload 3D walkthroughs of their investment property to enable buyers to visualize the style and condition of the property better, thereby motivating them to buy.
  • Documents: InvestorLift users can post their purchase agreements, assignment of contracts, and other documents pertinent to the investment property to show buyers that everything they need for a fast closing is ready.
  • Address: Anyone interested in the property can request the address under this tab. It also includes a section requiring them to agree to conduct all inquiries regarding the property solely through the listing investor, not the owner. This protects the listing agent or wholesaler's deals from being stolen.
  • Offers: Displays all offers for that particular listing.
  • Comps: Shows all comparables for that specific property.

According to our InvestorLift review, these features make listing management seamless for investors, particularly wholesalers with multiple properties on contract. They can easily update listing information, review offers, and market their listings.

InvestorLift review what does it do


GodMode is the most appreciated feature our InvestorLift review unveiled. It offers users a comprehensive view of the real estate market within a targeted area. It helps procure a list of buyers that have recently acquired investment property within a user's target area, along with detailed information about each property, such as the purchase price, average sale price, and even the average hold time.

GodMode also has filters like distance, square footage, and the number of baths and beds a property has; this allows users to narrow their search to include properties that fit their investment portfolio. The result? Any user looking to purchase real estate wholesaling properties in the area can review the real estate performance in advance to determine whether or not they should invest in that area. Should they decide to go on and purchase the property, details available in GodMode, such as the purchase and average sale price, allow them to accurately determine how much to spend on an investment property in that area.

In a nutshell, GodMode helps users make informed decisions about their target investment areas and properties. It ultimately enables them to maximize their investment returns by only investing in areas with the best real estate performance potential.

Another noteworthy feature of GodMode is the list of buyers in that area. Each wholesale buyer receives a score based on the number of properties they have purchased in the area, the price they paid, and the price they ended up selling; this enables users to find the most qualified buyers for their investment properties in the area.

The best part is that each buyer's listing includes their contact information, further simplifying reaching out. However, the accuracy of each buyer's contact information is questionable, so proceed with caution. Users can also export these buyer lists to CSV from GodMode and reach out at their own pace. Simultaneously, they can share their listings with buyers in the same area, which speeds up closing since they're technically marketing them to investors around them.

Read Also: 7 Best Markets To Wholesale Real Estate

investorlift review god mode

Built-In SMS & Email

The built-in SMS and email feature on InvestorLift allows users to send and receive text messages directly within the software. This feature enables users, such as wholesalers, to communicate with buyers and sellers in real time from inside the software. Consequently, this ensures they respond to stakeholders on time and creates a centralized point of reference for the future. But that's not all.

The user can also schedule SMS blasts, so their marketing messages are sent out to leads when they're most likely to be responsive. In a nutshell, InvestorLift's built-in SMS and email marketing streamlines communications and reduces the administrative burden associated with SMS and email marketing on separate platforms. It also allows wholesalers to improve the overall contact experience.

Read Also: Wholesale Real Estate Email Template: (ULTIMATE) Guide

Skip Tracing

InvestorLift also includes a skip-tracing feature. It allows users to find the contact information of potential leads seamlessly. This feature serves a variety of purposes for wholesalers, such as:

InvestorLift's skip trace function can also be integrated with other features like email and SMS, enabling users to contact potential leads quickly. They can also pair it with mapping tools to find potential real estate wholesaling properties in a particular area.

Intuitive Interface

InvestorLift has an intuitive dashboard that anyone can easily navigate, from first-time real estate wholesaling software users to seasoned ones. Once logged on, you're immediately welcomed by a dashboard displaying shortcuts to all relevant analytics.

For instance, it includes analytics such as new real estate deals, new offers, new buyers, delivered emails and their open rates, average open house RSVP per property, accepted offers, and new leads. You can customize the dates so only analytics from specific periods appear on the dashboard. The rest of the features on InvestorLift are well-displayed on the left side, just below the dashboard tab, for seamless access.

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How Does InvestorLift Work?

InvestorLift is a cloud-based real estate software designed to help real estate investors like wholesalers manage their properties and investments through automation. The software provides a range of tools that allow users to track their offers and inquiries, analyze potential deals, and perform other tasks related to managing and expanding a real estate portfolio. This platform's key features include property management, deal analysis, financial tracking, and investor collaboration.

Once users are logged on, they can begin to ease the journey toward closing lucrative deals by uploading their deals and importing their buyer's lists. The property section on InvestorLift allows them to upload basic listing info and incorporate as many pictures, videos, and 3D property walkthroughs as they need to make their listings stand out in the sea of buyers available on InvestorLift. On the other hand, the deal analysis feature allows wholesalers and other investors to use the platform to analyze potential real estate deals, including the possible return on investment and the potential risks.

There's also a user section on the dashboard, where registered users can add and collaborate with their virtual assistants, property managers, and other real estate professionals relevant to their daily work. InvestorLift also boasts a leads section you can integrate with your deal's website. As a result, all leads captured through lead capture forms and other lead generation methods on an integrated website are automatically added to InvestorLift without the user having to do it manually.

The built-in SMS and email features simplify lead outreach. GodMode puts investors on top of their game by allowing them to review other investors in their target area, the properties they are selling, how much they're selling them at, and even how long they've been on the market. There's also the analytics section that enables investors to easily track their offers, income, and how marketing campaigns are performing.

According to our InvestorLift review, the software eases every step of lead and deal generation, from finding buyers to guiding them down the sales funnel. Need more clarification? Their team has been featured on podcasts such as Real Estate Disruptors, explaining how it works. Plenty of tutorials show how to perform various actions on InvestorLift's YouTube channel.

Pros & Cons of InvestorLift

Every software tool has benefits and drawbacks, and InvestorLift is no exception. Knowing these is the key to determining whether it’s an ideal fit for your investment portfolio. We have highlighted InvestorLift's benefits and drawbacks below so you can quickly determine where it stands regarding your investing needs.

Benefits Of Using InvestorLift

  • Intuitive User Experience: InvestorLift offers an incredibly user-friendly experience for technophiles and non-tech-savvy users. Despite offering plenty of optionality, every feature is well-organized on its central dashboard, easing the learning curve typically associated with software of this caliber.
  • Analytics To Track Performance: Beyond providing an intuitive user experience, InvestorLift provides an invaluable analytics section. Here, investors can effortlessly track their offers and income. They can also monitor marketing campaign performance metrics such as email and SMS open rates, enabling them to seamlessly identify and improve effective outreach strategies.
  • Experienced Buyers Are Easy To Identify: Investorlift’s GodMode feature provides information on property buyers and their purchase history and even ranks them, dramatically simplifying the buyer-finding process for wholesalers and other investors. They can seamlessly identify the buyers to channel their outreach to rather than waste time and resources trying to convert cold leads.
  • Interactive Map Functionality: This wholesaling software has an integrated map function that allows users to zoom in, pan out, and explore properties more engagingly. The map also features filtering and sorting options, allowing investors to quickly find properties that meet their needs.
  • Popular Platform Integrations: InvestorLift integrates with a long list of popular REI and non-REI software. This facilitates a smoother experience by enabling users to combine and access their top tools under one platform.
  • Decentralized Community Support: InvestorLift boasts an extensive database of users who not only share essential buyer information but also track and update their database with information about buyers who are no longer active; this elevates the experience for all users, as they'll no longer waste time engaging inactive leads.

Drawbacks Of Using InvestorLift

Although InvestorLift is among the best real estate software in the market, our InvestorLift review has uncovered some drawbacks to be aware of:

  • Expensive Pricing Options: Even for software as feature-packed as it is, InvestorLift is quite pricey.
  • No Monthly Subscription Options: InvestorLift does not offer monthly subscriptions, unlike most real estate software. All its plans are annual, which may be inconvenient if you only want to test the waters and see if it's ideal for your investment needs.
  • Accuracy Of Buyers: Some Investorlift.com reviews suggest that the buyer's contact information may not always be accurate.

Artemis Mode

InvestorLift added a new tool to its stack—Artemis Mode. It’s a handy tool at the top-right corner of the software's central dashboard. Artemis Mode offers users detailed insights into potential buyers. It collects data on who's been checking out a user’s investment properties and assigns them an "action score" based on how they interacted with each listing.

For instance, if a buyer views your properties, InvestorLift’s Artemis mode tracks what they do. It tells you how long they looked at the deal if they checked out pictures, and whether they added the listing to their favorites; this helps you gauge each buyer's interest so you know who needs immediate follow-up and buyers who need more nurturing.

Such insights allow investors to identify listings attracting the most attention. They can then adjust their investment strategies to focus on properties with similar attributes for greater success.

Artemis Mode also showcases “neighbor buyers." Although not on your list, these are hot buyers for properties who viewed your deal. It also ranks them based on their activity with surrounding deals, allowing you to quickly determine what buyers are looking for in your market. This data grants users a competitive edge as they can tailor their offerings to meet market needs.

Since InvestorLift features a built-in SMS and power dialer, users can contact buyers they’ve identified on Artemis mode right through the platform! The only catch is that they can only access their contact info with an upgraded subscription like Falcon or Lieutenant. However, other than that, Artemis mode is a real game-changer for investors.

Artificial Intelligence

AI-based buyer predictions are another recently rolled-out feature we discovered during our 2024 InvestorLift review.

With this feature, investors no longer have to shoot their outreach campaigns in the dark. Instead, they can leverage artificial intelligence to identify buyers interested in their deals. InvestorLift’s AI feature analyzes vast buyer data and looks for patterns. It then generates a list of those most likely to convert; this grants investors an upper hand in marketing as they can tailor their marketing campaigns to specifically suit these buyers, increasing the likelihood of conversion and closing more deals.

InvestorLift vs Competitors

investorlift review competitors

Here's how InvestorLift fares against the competition:

InvestorLift vs PropStream

Both are real estate software for investors to simplify property and investment management. InvestorLift offers a range of tools, such as property management, deal analysis, and user collaboration. PropStream, on the other hand, is centered on data analytics. It offers a wealth of market data on real estate properties from various sources, including the MLS.

It is primarily used for skip tracing, property research, and marketing. The key difference between these two software is that while InvestorLift is more of an all-around real estate acquisition management software, PropStream provides data and information for lead generation and market analysis.

Read Also: PropStream Review

InvestorLift vs DealMachine

DealMachine primarily focuses on helping investors find and acquire new properties by driving for dollars, then skip tracing, using direct mail and automated follow-up. It also has a property research tool. In a nutshell, both software have different strengths.

While InvestorLift is better suited for scraping leads in markets around the country, DealMachine is more geared toward finding new investment opportunities at a local level while driving a neighborhood. Each caters to different needs, depending on which aspect of investing you prioritize more.

Read Also: DealMachine Review: Is It Worth It?

InvestorLift vs REI BlackBook

REI BlackBook is focused on helping investors manage and grow their networks of contacts. It offers features such as lead generation, automated follow-up, marketing campaigns, and a CRM to track networks quickly.

In other words, while InvestorLift helps acquire new leads and deals for wholesaling and investment, REI BlackBook seems to have a more robust relationship-building and lead management system.

Read Also: REI BlackBook Review

InvestorLift Vs. REI Pro

REIPro is primarily a CRM software focused on lead and deal management. It is a full-featured tool for managing leads and tracking deals, and it includes features like task management and reporting.

In other words, while InvestorLift focuses on investment management, REIPro focuses on the CRM feature, enabling users to manage, nurture leads, and track communication history. Both software have overlapping functionalities but can complement each other if used together.

Read Also: REIPro Review

InvestorLift vs RESimpli

REISimpli is more of a property analysis software that allows investors to quickly analyze properties and potential deals and perform property valuations.

As with REIPro, both software have overlapping functionalities and can complement each other- InvestorLift will ease investment pipeline management, while REISimpli offers an in-depth analysis of potential deals.

Read Also: REsimpli Review

InvestorLift FAQ

What Is The InvestorLift Pricing Model?

InvestorLift uses an annual pricing model. It offers three annual subscription plans:

  • Pro: Starting at $479 per month but billed annually, the Pro plan supports three users and has a 100k buyer limit. It also includes email and SMS blasts, God Mode, Artemis Mode, and a seller site for organic marketing purposes.
  • Falcon: This plan starts at $1,000 per month and includes all the features in Pro. It supports up to ten users, offers up to 10K buyer leads, and has a higher buyer limit, 500k.
  • Lieutenant: This is the cream of InvestorLift’s subscriptions. For $3,000 monthly, users get everything in the former plans plus up to 1,000,000 buyer leads, and there is no buyer limit. This plan also supports unlimited users, making it suitable for real estate enterprises.

What Is The Primary Objective Of InvestorLift?

The primary objective of InvestorLift is to help real estate investors such as wholesalers, rehabbers, and others to buy, sell, and fund their investment properties faster and more efficiently. It achieves this by providing users with comprehensive, user-friendly software to streamline the acquisition process for off-market properties. The key features of InvestorLift work together to achieve this objective.

What Is The Target Audience Of InvestorLift?

InvestorLift's target audience is primarily real estate investors like wholesalers and rehabbers. Its features help them easily find leads, such as GodMode, which allows them to see what other investors in their target area are up to. However, besides investors, the software is helpful for real estate agents as it can help them identify potential buyers and sellers, analyze market trends in their areas of operation, and stay on top of the real estate market.

In a nutshell, InvestorLift's target audience consists mainly of real estate investors looking for off-market deals who are willing to spend thousands of dollars per month on advertising. It is not geared toward investors who are looking for lower-cost, less risky acquisition strategies, such as the MLS.

How To Use InvestorLift

The platform is designed to be intuitive, with clean navigation and a well-organized interface that makes it easy for users to access the tools and features they need. Once a user is registered and logged on, they are welcomed by the dashboard. It serves as the central hub of access to the various features and important analytics, such as the delivery and open rate of their email campaigns and the number of offers generated.

The users' section is below the dashboard, where registered users can add anyone they want to collaborate with. Next is the leads tab, where all lead-captured through an external deal website are displayed. Below it are GodMode, analytics, properties, property inquiries, buyers, offers, settings, community, and knowledge base tabs.

Every tab unlocks the features users need to navigate the world of lead generation and real estate property management easily. However, if you have difficulty using it, check out the step-by-step tutorials on their YouTube channel.

How Do I Cancel My InvestorLift Subscription?

How to cancel an InvestorLift subscription depends on your subscription's specific terms and conditions and the company's billing and refund policy. However, users looking to cancel generally log on to their accounts>settings>subscription/billing sections, where they'll follow the prompts to unsubscribe successfully.

Is InvestorLift Worth It?

investorlift review is it worth it

So, is InvestorLift a worthy contender for your 2024 real estate investing tech stack? The software offers an intuitive UI that even non-techy investors can navigate easily. It's packed with features that make managing properties and deals a breeze and marketing tools like built-in SMS and a power dialer.

InvestorLift also offers to help you find deals and even has a marketplace of buyers, making it possible to find investment properties and a market for them.

Furthermore, there’s a solid track record of its effectiveness. According to an InvestorLift rep in a software demo with Ryan Zomorodi (Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Real Estate Skills), the software has helped users generate over $13 billion in offers, facilitated the sale of 25,000+ properties, and linked users with over 5 million buyers.

Moreover, wholesalers using InvestorLift are, on average, raking in assignment fees ranging from $20,000 to $30,000. According to InvestorLift's representative's demo, here's a quick summary of the average earnings for wholesalers using the software in the top states InvestorLift Operates in:

  • Average assignment fee in New York: $38,000
  • Average assignment fee in Wisconsin: $37,800

According to our InvestorLift review, the software can be worthwhile, but the software needs to be complemented by hard work and determination. Check out our brand-new free training on leveraging the MLS to obtain a stream of investment property leads without spending a dollar on marketing. We'll cover the best source of deals that can supplement any CRM or project management software. 

*Disclosure: Real Estate Skills is not responsible for the information provided by InvestorLift or on its respective website. InvestorLift is an independent company which provides real estate services to investors. Real Estate Skills trains on using InvestorLift and the benefits of using the service but is not responsible for the content it provides.

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