Wholesale Real Estate CRM

10 Best CRM For Real Estate Wholesalers (2024)

real estate software Dec 23, 2023

Real estate wholesaling might be one of the most lucrative, and also easiest real estate investing strategies, but that doesn’t mean everything is handed to wholesalers on a silver platter.

The strategy comes with a slew of responsibilities which include scouting around for profitable properties, converting owners into motivated sellers, and finding buyers, all before the closing date. In between the mentioned processes comes the mundane tasks such as creating contracts.

That is why every wholesaler looking to scale their business needs quality real estate wholesaling software. Here’s a comprehensive guide covering what a wholesale real estate CRM is, the best in the market, and tips on how to determine the best fit for your practice.

What Is A Wholesale Real Estate CRM?

Wholesale real estate CRM, short for customer relationship management system is any software, or website platform designed to streamline a wholesaler’s job by centralizing sales, marketing, and customer communication processes into one.

Features vary widely from one software to another, but generally include functions that help automate, and systemize daily operations, track completed tasks, and improve a wholesaler’s outreach. Find out about some of the best wholesale CRMs below.

10 Best CRM For Real Estate Wholesalers

After hours of analyzing top-rated CRM platforms in the market, we found the following products the best CRM for professionals in the real estate business:

wholesale real estate crm PropStream

1. PropStream

PropStream is one of the most popular CRMs in the real estate industry in general. And for a good reason. It is an all-in-one tool with everything a wholesaler, realtors, and real estate agents need to excel.

To begin with, it provides access to over 150 million property records, and even better, in MLS format. With this feature users are able to conduct nationwide searches and get detailed information on potential investment properties such as the owner, past transaction details, loan balance, foreclosure, and much more.

Wholesale Real Estate CRM Propstream Nationwide Reach

As a result, wholesalers are able to not only find data on potentially profitable properties but also create targeted property lists that allow them to perform searches on both market, and off-market deals in any countrywide location within just a few clicks. While the feature is beneficial to all wholesalers, it’s especially perfect for novice real estate agents who need to generate new lead lists from scratch.

Once you build your lists, PropStream offers an automated, 8-point follow-up feature. It allows users to consistently reach out and remind interested real estate leads of their services and simultaneously save time on the repetitive process. You can set up the feature to roll out customized marketing emails, calls, and texts at certain intervals ensuring you stay on top of the lead’s mind.

PropStream also offers an instant comps feature enabling wholesalers to instantly determine whether an investment property is worth following up on or not. Thanks to the platform’s MLS access, the feature provides the most up-to-date data, ensuring that every comparable you run is highly accurate, and reliable in running a market analysis.

For beginner wholesalers, and even seasoned investors who dislike hard-to-grasp numbers, PropStream’s analysis wizard is a game-changer. The feature offers simplified market overviews, and well-detailed step-by-step data on every aspect of a wholesaling transaction, allowing users to seamlessly and accurately determine things like projected wholesaling income.

Want to find an absentee homeowner? Well, PropStream has a skip tracing feature too, meaning you can find property owners from any part of the country. On top of the mentioned, PropStream also boasts a rehab estimator, a custom landing page builder, ringless voicemail support, a mobile app, and even a deal analyzer.

The catch? You’re limited to 10,000 property data saves, and exports per month. The best part? The platform is pretty user-friendly, and all your user data is often well-organized and displayed on easy-to-use dashboards.

Read Also: PropStream Review

2. REsimpli

The really successful real estate investor knows how to find a great all-in-one business management system and make it work effectively for them.

REsimpli offers a complete bundle of functionalities in this versatile real estate CRM software. The platform itself was created by real estate investors who understand the many challenges this role brings, so they have made it both intuitive and simple for you to manage your communications, organize documents and files, check task lists, track leads, and undertake ever-challenging marketing and finance tasks. 

The goal of this software is to remove the need for multiple apps and allow you to juggle several plates at any one time, giving you room to focus on your route to investment success.

Some of the key functionalities included in REsimpli are accounting software, sophisticated comms and skip tracing with automation options, list stacking, and its inbuilt Driving for Dollars feature—and as the cherry on top, this app requires almost zero user customization, meaning real estate investors can set up in under one minute and then get on with the job of generating leads, reaping the rewards of great profits, and keeping their costs to a minimum.

Read Also: REsimpli Review

wholesale real estate crm reipro

3. REIPro

The key difference between a successful, and unsuccessful wholesaler is their ability to find and close more deals. With REIPro’s deal analyzer, real estate agents have the opportunity to fall in the successful category. The feature lets you estimate potential repair costs and run comps to determine investment property profitability.

REIPro users can consolidate all transaction details under one page for easier access, and deal data management. It also boasts an automated 10-step workflow allowing wholesalers to reach out to homeowners and buyers enough times to convert them into real estate leads. REIPro has a marketing library with dozens of postcard designs, budget sheets, flyers, and even letter templates for email marketing.

You can run instant comps, skip trace, and look up important property information for any investment property across the country. It is a comprehensive CRM you can maximize for lead, marketing campaign, and property data management all in one.

Read Also: REIPro Review

wholesale real estate CRM investorfuse

4. InvestorFuse

InvestorFuse is a powerful lead management and follow-up CRM trusted by hundreds of top real estate investors and hybrid agents around the country. It’s an Action-Based system that is simple and intuitive to learn and utilize.

With its radically different step-by-step lead flow, you can process your leads faster than traditional CRMs allowing you to do more in less time. Their process starts by integrating with all your marketing tools to capture and custom-distribute them to you and your team.

Utilizing the “Groups” feature you can segment and organize your leads into a process that lets you focus on the most important leads first and then work through the rest. With the Resurfacing feature, you empower your decisions to mark leads as dead while not worrying about losing a deal, because based on the rules you create the lead will come back into your pipeline after a pre-determined timeframe.

Read Also: InvestorFuse Review

wholesale real estate crm property radar

5. PropertyRadar

Personalized marketing experiences turn regular homeowners into motivated sellers, and with PropertyRadar, you can ensure every lead’s experience is nothing short of personalized.

The platform provides incredibly detailed insights on both the target homeowner and their property, allowing you to personalize the lead’s journey from the word go. For instance, if you’re looking to create targeted lists, PropertyRadar offers important homeowner insights such as their estimated equity and income, age, and even education level. For properties, you get insights on ownership, location, characteristics, neighborhood information, and even taxes.

Just getting started in wholesaling, or trying to identify the most profitable opportunities? PropertyRadar’s heat maps will make the process a breeze. The feature lets you draw off specific locations on your target markets, and has over 200 filters. As a result, you can narrow down your search as much as you need to find properties that fit your investment properties profile.

PropertyRadar also has list-building, contact, and lead management features, as well as automated marketing campaigns, and workflows. It integrates with platforms like MailChimp for seamless email marketing, and other powerful CRMs like Hubspot facilitating seamless scalability and decision-making. Besides the mentioned, PropertyRadar also integrates with over 2000 software platforms guaranteeing ease of implementation.

The best feature? It has a pretty straightforward activity dashboard. All the main features from property lookup, and lists, to foreclosure search, are well laid out in a drop-down list for ease of use and accessibility. The catch? Most of the CRM’s advanced features are only available in its premium package, and there’s no free trial. Also, it might pose a learning curve to new users but this is no deal-breaker as there are plenty of video demos available inside the platform.

Read Also: PropertyRadar Review

wholesale real estate crm podio

6. Podio

Only looking to improve workflows among teams? Podio is one of the best CRMs for the purpose. The platform lets you set up automated workflows so whenever anyone in your team closes a deal, they know what to do next. You can assign tasks, and create deadlines, as well as seamlessly track team activity via the shared calendar available on the platform.

It also has a personal calendar for single users. Besides workflow automation, Podio lets you integrate as many apps as you want to enhance its functionality for wholesalers. Plus there are a ton of premade apps ready to download on its app market.

Even better, you can customize any of the apps, or even create yours. The platform might be hard to use for first-time users but once you get the hang of things, it’s one of the best real estate CRMs.

Check out this quick video below that talks about Podio in 60 seconds!

wholesale real estate crm freedomsoft

7. FreedomSoft

Whether you’re looking to skip trace a property or find new leads, FreedomSoft has a feature to make it happen.

It provides access to over 100 million properties countrywide and has a lead finder button that lets you narrow down the search based on zip code, property type, ownership status and type, year built, or even property characteristics like square feet, and the number of bedrooms. Note, with FreedomSoft you can find both private, and cash buyer wholesaling deals.

If you’re solely focused on marketing, FreedomSoft has a slew of features that’ll transform your entire marketing experience. You’ll get an easy-to-use website builder to easily create marketing pages for each target location, and a direct mail campaign tool that lets you not only send marketing emails but also track open rates.

The platform also boasts automated yet customizable lead campaign templates, live call answering, and forwarding, and a built-in text message and voicemail feature. In regard to usability, FreedomSoft has one of the most intuitive user interfaces in the market. All features are grouped under marketing, leads, properties, rehabbers, and so on, so it’s easy to find whatever you need. The main dashboard provides a summary of your recent activity allowing users to easily track project progress.

The deal-breaker? Some users report occasional bugs and crashes.

Read Also: FreedomSoft Review: Is It Worth It?

wholesale real estate crm call porter

8. Call Porter

Looking for a CRM to improve your outbound calling campaigns, or simply enhance call follow-up processes? Call Porter is the best bet for the job.

The platform is designed to solely improve outbound and inbound calls. It boasts game-changing features like 24 hours live call answering ensuring that both buyers and motivated sellers always get a response upon contacting your wholesaling business. Call Porter live agents also schedule appointments on a wholesaler’s behalf saving them time and effort from the mundane task.

The platform also includes professional real estate scripts, call recording, and offers you custom phone numbers for marketing. The CRM dashboard is pretty intuitive too. It records and displays phone numbers and all relevant caller contact information allowing users to seamlessly track who they called last and data pertinent to them. The data also comes in handy during outbound marketing calls.

The catch? Call Porter is solely for inbound and outbound call marketing. So if you’re looking for an all-in-one CRM, you’ll need to weigh other options. Luckily, our list also includes some of the most comprehensive CRMs for real estate wholesaling.

Read Also: Call Porter Review: Pricing, Features, Competitors, & More!

wholesale real estate crm dealmachine

9. Deal Machine

Finding real estate deals typically involves either scouring through lists of distressed properties or physically reviewing neighborhoods for potentially profitable properties. Deal Machine makes both strategies a breeze. It has a driving for dollars tracking feature that lets you mark out streets or locations you’ve previously analyzed from your marketing campaigns. The feature also lets you track field team activity in real-time.

The CRM also has a list builder with basic to advanced filters such as foreclosure, cash transactions to absentee, and cash buyers allowing users to easily create and segment marketing lists.

It has batch skip tracing, and unlimited property owner lookups, and you can even send out direct mail postcards immediately after you identify a motivated seller. All property data you save is automatically stored, updated as needed, and organized for easy access, workflow creation, and decision making.

Read Also: DealMachine Review: Is It Worth It?

wholesale real estate CRM pipeline crm

10. Pipeline CRM

PipelineCRM is made by salespeople for salespeople. They’ve dedicated more than 15 years to building tools that help teams minimize headaches and accelerate sales. They’re constantly developing new features around customer sentiments and behavior while maintaining a modernized solution that’s not too far from their comfort zone. And by this, we mean spreadsheets.

Most realtors use Excel as their master database, but it’s limiting and unscalable. Fortunately, Pipeline CRM, a top CRM for real estate, is a cost-effective solution without the chaos or hefty price tag of big-brand CRMs. The simplistic interface makes it possible to view large volumes of data in a single, customizable list view.

You can use filters to find historical data specific to locations, competitor pricing, tax or transfer fees, etc. Which is a huge time-saver for realtors juggling multiple listings. To add, you can integrate or migrate data from tools you already use.

How To Determine The Best CRM For Real Estate Wholesalers

Best CRM For Real Estate Wholesalers

As shown in our list above, every CRM software for real estate wholesaling comes with standout features. To select the best you ought to consider the following:

Individual Business Needs

Just like no real estate business is the same, so are CRM systems. Some CRM tools are best suited for skip tracing, others excel at lead management, while others specifically stand out for running real estate comps, and off-market deals.

Consider your enterprise needs before you sign up for any CRM software for wholesaling business. Take into account factors like the number of employees in your REI business, area of activity, and future scalability to determine whether a CRM fits your business needs.

User Interface

You may invest in the best real estate CRM for wholesaling houses, but if you and your team cannot use it, it’ll have done no one any good. Opt for a system with an easy to view, edit, and understand dashboard to allow you and your team easily customize it into your everyday operations. A user-friendly CRM features dashboards where you can view all important task-related info, visual dashboards, and reporting for seamless lead generation, nurturing, to deal closing.

If the system has a learning curve, adoption will take longer, especially if you have a team reducing efficiency and productivity.

Ensure you assess its customizability as well. The more customizable it is, the better as it means you and your team can easily tailor it to suit daily processes.


The best CRM for real estate wholesaling boasts both web and cloud-based accessibility. This is critical for wholesalers as it allows them the flexibility to access, edit and share important data even while they’re in the field scouting for distressed or foreclosure properties. It also enhances data security and facilitates seamless integrations. But not every CRM software in the market boasts both forms of access.

Some only feature web-based access meaning you must have access to a continuous internet connection to use the system. So, to determine whether a particular software suits your needs, consider whether it has both web and cloud-based accessibility. While analyzing accessibility, look out for a CRM with a mobile app too.


The point of deploying any real estate CRM solution is to ease daily operations which is why automation is important to consider. As a wholesaler, prioritize CRMs with buyers list and workflow automation, contact information management, and marketing automation feature such as bulk SMS or emails.

The longer the list of automation, the easier and more productive your real estate business will be since you’ll spend less time focusing on the mundane, and more time on closing deals.


A wholesaling CRM with more integrations simplifies daily operations and decision-making processes by offering a unified view of your digital stack. It also enhances productivity and eliminates inaccuracy since data from different platforms can be imported, exported, viewed, and edited from a single platform. Fortunately, all of the products on our list of the best CRM software for real estate wholesaling boast some pretty long lists of integration.


Although most CRM for wholesaling come feature a standard price that may seem inexpensive, some may feature additional implementation costs.

Others have a great feature stack but charge extra for the premium features. Beyond the initial investment, you may also have to train your team to use the software and update existing hardware to ensure compatibility, pushing costs even further.

Customer Support

Consider customer support availability, to determine whether a particular CRM is for you. Read through customer reviews, and on the vendor’s website to determine the level of support available, when it is available, and how easy it is to reach them. try reaching out in advance to gauge the level of support available. If you aren’t happy beforehand, you probably won’t be happy even after signing up.

Read Also: Top 23 Real Estate Wholesaling Software To Scale Your Business

What Is The Best Free CRM For Real Estate Investors And Wholesalers?

Free CRM For Real Estate Wholesalers And Investors

The seven CRMs for real estate above pack great features but come with a price tag. Consider the following options if looking to skip or cut costs while enjoying the functionality of one:

  • Hubspot: has a customizable, free version with limited features ideal for wholesaling such as lead timelines and activity logs
  • Freshworks CRM: has a free version with features such as email marketing, contact management, AI-powered campaigns, a mobile app, and even Whatsapp business support
  • Zoho: is free for up to three users and boasts a list of impressive features such as predictive sales, self-service portals, team collaboration, and salesforce automation.

Final Thoughts About Wholesale Real Estate CRM

A wholesaling CRM is one of the best real estate wholesaling tools you’ll ever procure for your real estate business. It acts as a centralized platform where you can manage lead data, automate mundane tasks, workflows, and marketing campaigns, and simplify the everyday wholesaling process.

Some all-in-one tools like PropStream, REIPro, and FreedomSoft even offer access to countless property records making lead generation a breeze for both the novice and the seasoned wholesalers. Some like Call Porter are designed for specific purposes, making them perfect for wholesalers with large teams.

In a nutshell, the best real estate CRM not only simplifies the art of wholesaling but also offers you a leg over the competition through automation of unavoidable real estate processes and seamless lead management. Another tool we would highly recommend to have under your belt would be the MLS where you can consistently get leads in different markets. Learn more about how you can consistently wholesale houses from the MLS in our brand new training!

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