Real Estate Memes: The Ultimate Guide | Real Estate Skills
Jun 01, 2020Along with each generation, advancements in technology are also made. The use of technology is widespread, connecting everyone with one another no matter where they are in the world. Businesses are able to function completely online (just like Real Estate Skills!), buying and selling products from other countries is more feasible and making social connections is easy.
With the extensive abilities that technology provides, anything that is put on it will potentially reach audiences of different backgrounds. Social media sites and online messaging platforms help make those connections, and spread of information, possible.
While the internet is able to provide us with professional and useful information, it is also used simply for entertainment. Streaming services for TV shows and movies, as well as viral videos that spread over social media, are just a few that are utilized by many to be entertained.
A popular trend that is also making its way around the world are memes. These are lighthearted and humorous photos that are found on social media sites and even businesses! Real estate memes have been circulating and we’ll explain the hype behind them.
Hope you’re enjoying Real Estate Memes: The Ultimate Guide! Use this menu to jump to the section of your choice:
- 1. What Are Memes?
- 2. Why Are Real Estate Memes Made?
- 3. Real Estate Memes Through The Years
- 4. Popular Real Estate Memes
- 5. Are There Real Estate Memes For Different Audiences?
- 6. Can I Find Real Estate Memes For The Holidays?
- 7. What Is The LighterSide Of Real Estate?
- 8. What Are The Pros And Cons of Real Estate Memes?
- 9. Why Are Real Estate Memes Important?
- 10. What Should I Take Away From Real Estate Memes?
- 11. Where To Find Real Estate Memes?
- 12. How Can I Make My Own Meme?
- 13. Final Thoughts On Real Estate Memes
What Are Memes?
If you’re just hearing this term it might sound a little odd. What are memes? First things first. It is pronounced meem. Okay, but why am I seeing them all over social media?
Well if we were in 1976, the answer would be in regards to Richard Dawkins which involved the idea of cultural transmission. However today, memes are known as humorous photos, sometimes a GIF or video, with a piece of text that accompanies the image.
These memes are typically passed along and widespread on social media. As it is rapidly spread, there may be variations from the original depending on the source. These memes are usually intended to put a smile on people’s faces.
Why Are Real Estate Memes Made?
In terms of real estate, these memes are able to spread some fun, whether you’re a real estate agent or consumer. Real estate memes are made to entertain the real estate community with their humorous intentions.
These real estate memes are a great way to reach clients, and other intended audiences, on a personal level. The engagement deriving from these will give you and the client a chance to converse on something less serious. Nothing wrong with leaving some room for laughs!
Real Estate Memes Through The Years
As the internet advances, more and more people are becoming dependent on it. Along with this, as the number of people who discover real estate memes increases, the quality enhances along with it.
Many of these memes were created by different real estate companies and agents. The development of these memes displays how they are gaining popularity in the real estate world.
Here are a few real estate memes through the recent years:
2018 Real Estate Memes
This particular year was unpredictable for the real estate industry. With factors like poor home affordability and tight inventory, the real estate industry was losing functionalities in many places across the United States.
Given the circumstances, this may have given real estate memes more of a reason to appear. Whether it was during this struggling time or after, these memes could have brought some light to the situation to lessen the stress.
Here are some real estate memes that circulated in 2018:
2019 Real Estate Memes
As the real estate market was still recovering from 2018’s events, 2019 needed to be watched. Although it was discovered that the market had gotten better than 2018, it definitely still had room to grow.
Inventory was starting to increase again and home prices were starting to settle into normalcy. As this was an optimistic time for the real estate market, real estate memes would have been ideally widespread now that a bit of tension was released.
These are the real estate memes from 2019:
As the real estate markets continue to come across unpredictable situations, there will probably be more real estate memes that are made. Along with this, as memes become more popular in general, many will adapt to their utilization of them.
Popular Real Estate Memes
As memes don’t originate from one set source, it may be harder to understand one meme from another.
If you aren’t familiar with real estate or just want further explanations for some memes, here are some popular real estate memes that you may come across.
The “It’s Free Real Estate” Meme
This meme was a line from a Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! episode, which grew into a popular GIF and punchline. In the show, the clip was intended to be in the form of a commercial while claiming they have a free home.
Following the release of this episode, the meme continued to be an inside joke within the show’s audience. As it spread through the internet, especially on YouTube, this meme became widely popular in the summer of 2016 as a bait-and-switch punchline.
The “Arthur’s Fist” Meme
The famous Arthur’s fist meme comes from the children’s show Arthur. This is a very popular meme that is altered depending on the context, typically used to set a frustrated or angered tone.
The Spongebob Memes
Spongebob Squarepants is a very popular TV show on Nickelodeon, which made it inevitable for memes to originate from here. There are various scenes from the show that have been turned into popular memes, not just for real estate, but for the entire internet.
Since these memes are often varied for specific meme needs, here's a video explaining the popular Spongebob memes that are roaming around:
The Spiderman Memes
Many clips originating from the original Spiderman cartoon have been popularly used in different memes. You may have seen photo of him holding a camera, another of him sitting behind a desk or a photo of him pointing at himself. The variety of Spiderman memes leave plenty of room for creativity and originality.
Just remember that memes are often altered! You may have seen these photos used with different wording or pursuing a different context.
Are There Real Estate Memes For Different Audiences?
If you’re getting into real estate memes and want to target specific audiences or positions in the field, we got you covered! Although be aware that as you are discussing specific individuals, some posts may appear as stereotypical.
Real Estate Agent Memes
Before you get to your memes on real estate agents, of course you need to know what a real estate agent is!
A real estate agent is one who arranges the selling or renting of properties like houses, land, offices and buildings. They also may take on other tasks such as staying updated on listings and the market, looking over any open houses, completing paperwork, developing marketing plans and updating any designated sites.
Now that you know the general idea of what a real estate agent is, here is a meme about them:
This is a great example of a meme since it is using a widely known character to catch attention. It displays different agents in the real estate field to give off some lighthearted humor!
Real Estate Investor Memes
Another crucial component of the real estate business are the real estate investors.
What do real estate investors do? Well, exactly that, invest! These investors look into the real estate market and invest money into it, intending to build wealth.
Here is an example of a real estate investor meme:
Notice how it's from a website that allows you to generate memes on your own. If you're appealing to the investor market and can't seem to find one specific to what you want, you can always INVEST the time, and create your own!
Real Estate Marketing Memes
All businesses utilize marketing techniques no matter the extent. Marketing is the process of researching, promoting, selling and distributing products or services. This takes place in real estate as we always need to be promoting our services.
The real estate memes you produce will take part in promoting your company once it is shared. You will also utilize research into the meme so that it is as effective as possible.
Using celebrities for meme creation is very popular. This adds a bit of credibility and it's helpful for the audience to see a familiar face.
How does that work? Well, one could be scrolling through their feed and most likely pass right through the photo. But, if they notice a recognizable face, it'll incline them to get back to it.
Ultimately, these marketing memes can help you get some of your own marketing credit for your company!
Can I Find Real Estate Memes For The Holidays?
As real estate opportunities are available all year round, you are more than likely to be working during the holiday season. This being said, you may want to find real estate memes for the holidays!
Why would you need real estate memes for the holidays? Isn’t having memes already enough? Well, you want to make sure you let your clients and peers know that you’re present! You don’t want to have yourself perceived as someone who is stuck in a world full of work. Sharing real estate memes does provide a sense of personalization but applying context, like holidays, will give it that extra edge!
After all, context is very important when it comes to memes so having the right timing would be beneficial.
Halloween Real Estate Memes
It's the spookiest time of the year where we can really be whatever we want. As October rolls around, Halloween festivities around the world take place.
Originating from the Celtic people in Europe, Halloween was intended to celebrate the end of the harvest with a festival called Samhain. This was also a way of celebrating the dead and reuniting with spirits.
From then on, new intentions and traditions were adapted by different cultures and history further developed. In America today, Halloween is known for dressing up in costumes and trick-or-treating.
Here are some Halloween themed real estate memes:
Thanksgiving Real Estate Memes
In continuation of the holiday season, Thanksgiving occurs every third Thursday of November.
Thanksgiving goes back to the first harvest shared by the pilgrims of Plymouth and Wampanoag people. However over the years, a new truth has become more prominent. One regarding violence and defeat as tribes were stripped of their land.
Although the history of Thanksgiving is more serious than acknowledged, today it is celebrated by being thankful for all that we are and have. Being surrounded by loved ones and an abundance of food on the dinner table plays a huge part in this holiday!
Here is an example of a Thanksgiving real estate meme:
Christmas Real Estate Memes
Depending on your religious beliefs, Christmas can hold different meanings and ways of celebrating. December 25th can be viewed as a religious holiday by many, a day full of gift-giving or just another day.
Despite your religious beliefs, Christmas is a widely known holiday even if it is celebrated to different extents.
Catching the jolly holiday spirit would be something that would spread some cheer, even if they don't celebrate it! Here are some Christmas real estate memes that may be shared during the season:
As real estate is a relationship focused business, many professionals may reach out to their peers and clients in celebration of upcoming holidays. This being said, these memes may be something that may appeal to you if you were looking for something fun to send to them!
Another consideration you may want to think about is having a themed open house! Especially during the holiday season, this will show potential buyers that your mindset isn't just on selling the home, it shows a bit of personality and consideration of what's going on in the moment!
What Is The LighterSide Of Real Estate?
If you’re looking for a one-stop shop for any lighthearted real estate articles, the LighterSide of Real Estate is perfect for just that! This site provides perfect real estate memes and articles for agents to share with their clients and peers.
Not only do they take on a humorous and fun perspective, but also what you should know about real estate in its entirety. You’ll be able to get updates on real estate and the world surrounding it.
For example, they have articles on how real estate is being impacted by the COVID-19 challenges we are facing today. Despite their name, they will take on the hard-hitting topics to keep you updated!
Given all that information, they also provide educational opportunities that will allow you to learn about home buying and selling. You can also find tips for around the home in areas such as architecture, home improvement and style.
What Are The Pros And Cons of Real Estate Memes?
Real estate memes can provide a lot more than you think. Despite just being another photo in your article or social media page, it is a way to promote yourself! Although, along with the advantages they bring you, may be a cost paired up with it.
Here are the pros and cons of real estate memes for comparison purposes:
Pros Of Real Estate Memes
- They are great attention grabbers - With large, bold texts and the use of unique and funny photos, these memes will be hard to miss!
- It is a great source of advertisement - This is a simple way to advertise your real estate business! Since memes are being shared left and right, these memes will grasp the attention and will gain traffic to your site!
- They are trendy! - Creating real estate memes will show everyone that you’re up to date with what’s happening on the internet and you’re not afraid to put some fun into business.
Cons Of Real Estate Memes
- They may be time consuming - Although making the meme itself is easy, the research you would want to conduct may take some time. As this will be a source of advertisement, you would want to reassure that you are marketing to the appropriate audience.
- They may lose attention quickly - We all know that memes are widely popular, this is a good and bad thing. Despite the attention you’ll gain, it could only last a short amount of time as many memes are spread one after the other.
- They may be taken the wrong way - Everyone has different perspectives and interpretation so this may become a way to get negative feedback. Even if it is intended for humor, be cautious of any offenses that may come from the meme.
Despite the given circumstances, you are in control of what you want your real estate clients and peers to see. Just reassure that you have pure intentions for your real estate memes as best as possible!
Why Are Real Estate Memes Important?
As silly as memes sound, real estate memes have its fair share of importance. But why are real estate memes important?
In terms of a business, these memes will gain insight into a more personal perspective with your clients. After all, you are human too!
As you face some long days, it will be refreshing for your clients and peers to know that you are putting some personality into the work you’re producing. Outside of some cold calls, real estate deals and a seemingly strict schedule!
Real estate memes, especially if you are producing your own, will also show your creative side and that you are keeping up with current trends. As a trend keeper, you’ll be able to capture younger generations into your audience.
As lead generations progress with memes, your utilization of them will provide your clients, and other prospective audiences, that you are aware of society’s trends. So, make those memes and throw them into an article or two!
What Should I Take Away From Real Estate Memes?
With memes spreading as quickly as they do, there are a few things you should take away and understand from them:
- They will be varied as different people come across it. If you have a difficult time understanding the purpose of the meme, try to find where it originated from and if there were differences between the two.
- Understand that there’s a message behind the meme. Remember a photo is worth a million words! When you come across a meme it has a photo, with words. The photos provide context for the message so try to understand what they are trying to get across.
- Interpretations may differ depending on the individual. As there is a message trying to be conveyed, try to understand that the message should be as universal so there is less room for misinterpretation. You don’t want to get, or give, the wrong impressions!
Above all, remember that memes are intended for humor more than anything else. They are made to spread some laughter, even on serious topics. So, don’t take anything too personal!
Where To Find Real Estate Memes?
Since you know more about memes, you can have some fun and find some on your own! If you don’t know where to start, we’ll give you some tips on where to find real estate memes!
Believe it or not, there are real estate meme Facebook groups you are welcome to join! As this may shock many, these will help you connect with other individuals in the real estate community and share some laughs with them!
Reddit is also another platform you can find real estate memes on! There is a Realtor community that will be open for you to discuss memes and business related topics with.
Discussions are very popular within Reddit and allow you to upvote or downvote. These votes are made depending on the relevance of the comment and the contribution it makes to the conversation.
Other social media sites, such as Instagram and Twitter, are also filled with real estate memes. As more and more businesses have accounts on these platforms, the spread of these memes can become easier to come across and spread.
Memes are ultimately everywhere, whether or not you were trying to look for them. You can find them in articles or social media posts as they are widely popular in today’s internet world.
How Can I Make My Own Meme?
Now that you’ve seen many examples and learned about the advantages real estate memes bring, you’re probably thinking, how can I make my own meme?
Considering that all memes hold their own individuality, there is no strict template that you need to consider before making your own. For the most part, your chosen image and large text is all you need.
If you want to be unique, finding a photo that hasn't been used can benefit you well. For example, finding clips from house flipping shows could be appealing for the real estate market and perfect for your meme!
If you are not comfortable with making your own memes quite yet, there are free meme generators that can assist you with that.
Here’s how to create your own meme in 3 easy steps:
- Follow the meme generator link
- Upload your own image or find one from their selection
- Enter your designated text and the positions you want them to be in
Simply download your image and share as you wish! These are quick and easy to make and will be sure to get your creative ideas going!
Final Thoughts On Real Estate Memes
Before you started reading this article, you may have thought memes were just another silly trend from the younger generations. Well, now you’ve learned more about what they can do to benefit you, your company and the real estate industry as a whole!
As simple and fun as memes sound, also be aware of the precautions surrounding it. Feel free to have fun and creative with it, but take other people’s perspectives into consideration as well.
Ultimately, the memes you create will reflect you and your company. Reassure that you are aware of the content you are putting out and it is not intended for negativity, but purely for humor. Have a great time sharing some laughs with your peers and clients!