How To Flip Houses In New York

How To Flip Houses In New York: Step-By-Step Home Renovation Guide

flipping houses real estate investing strategies real estate markets (states) Jun 12, 2024

Flipping homes is one of the best ways to earn substantial profits in the real estate business without owning a property for an extended period of time. Although it does take hard work and research, you don't need to be a real estate expert to make money flipping houses. Anyone willing to work can make additional income, even if they're currently working a nine-to-five job.

With over 8.5 million units of housing and a median property value of $449,826, New York is an excellent state for house flippers. However, you must have a solid strategy and a solid understanding of the local housing market to be successful.

So, to help you prepare, here is a look at how to flip houses in New York.

Ready to take your house-flipping skills to the next level? Enroll in Real Estate Skills' free training program today! Our expert guidance will help you implement the information you've learned here and capitalize on the opportunities in the New York real estate market. Don't miss out—start your journey to successful house flipping now!

What Is Flipping Houses?

Flipping houses is a real estate investing strategy that involves purchasing a distressed property, putting money into renovations, then selling it at a higher price. If you learn to analyze deals well and crunch the numbers, you can often take home a substantial profit, even after putting money into the purchase and repairs.

Unlike wholesaling, flipping houses requires you to purchase and own a property while the repairs are being made and you're marketing the property to buyers. Although, unlike buying a rental property, your responsibilities stop once the home sells, and you can walk away with a handsome profit.

Read Also: Is Wholesaling Real Estate Legal In New York?

New York House Flipping Statistics

Anyone learning how to flip houses in New York should prioritize recent and dependable housing indicators as an investor's success is often dependent on the quality and reliability of their data. (Data provided by the U.S. Census BureauRedFin, and ATTOM Data Solutions):

  • Population: 20,201,249
  • Employment Rate: 55.7%
  • Median Household Income: $79,557
  • Median Sale Price: $539,000 (+4.9% Year-Over-Year)
  • Number Of Homes Sold: 8,791 (+3.4% Year-Over-Year)
  • Median Days On Market: 45 (-9 Year-Over-Year)
  • Number Of Homes For Sale: 44,595 (-1.7% Year-Over-Year)
  • Number Of Newly Listed Homes: 16,121 (+12.8% Year-Over-Year)
  • Months Of Supply: 4 (+0 Year-Over-Year)
  • Homes Sold Above List Price: 39.8% (+6.0 Points Year-Over-Year)
  • Homes With Price Drops: 20.5% (+2.1 Points Year-Over-Year)
  • Foreclosure Rate: -2.33% (1 Out Of 1,395)

*All New York housing market statistics are as of Q2 2024

new york house flipping statistics

How To Flip Houses In New York (7 Steps)

Now that you know a little more about what house flipping is and some insight into New York’s market, let’s go over 7 easy steps of how to flip a house in New York:

  1. Find A House Flipping Mentor
  2. Research The New York Housing Market
  3. Find & Analyze Distressed Properties In New York
  4. Raise Capital To Fund The Deal
  5. Close On The House
  6. Renovate The Property
  7. Resell The House

new york house flipping mentor

Find A House Flipping Mentor

Before you start flipping houses in New York, you should consider finding a mentor to show you the ropes. Although you don't have to be a real estate expert to make money flipping houses, it does take time to learn the strategies and identify good deals.

The New York real estate market can get very complex, and if you're new to investing, you should seriously consider finding a mentor. Unlike wholesaling houses, you'll purchase the property and take on the associated risk.

So, if the deal falls through, you could lose your entire investment or destroy your credit if you can't repay the loan. Finding a mentor will help you avoid costly mistakes that might turn you away from real estate investing forever. Even if you have to split the profits or pay for a coach, it's better than getting in over your head.

new york house flipping market

Research The New York Housing Market

You must study the local market carefully and learn what makes a solid deal to be a great house flipper. Study things like population and demographic data, school districts, zoning laws, housing prices, and anything else that may impact the conditions of the market. It's also helpful to network with other investors and learn their tips and strategies for finding the right property.

The best place to meet other investors and learn their techniques is to attend local investor meetups or become a local chapter of the National Association of Realtors.

Here are some of the top real estate investors' associations in New York:

The New York Board of Real Estate governs real estate practice in New York State. They are also a good resource for learning the laws that impact real estate agents, investors, and home buyers. You can read up on the laws and licensing requirements created by REBNY here.

find distressed properties in new york

Find And Analyze Distressed Properties In New York

Once you feel confident in understanding the local housing market, you'll want to learn how to analyze deals and find properties that would make a good flip. Just because a property is offered at a cheap price doesn't mean it's a good deal, so you'll need to learn a few formulas to help you analyze opportunities, including:

  • After Repair Value (ARV): ARV is the price the property would sell for when renovated to market standards. The best way to calculate ARV is to look at comparable properties recently sold in the area. You can either do this on your own using Zillow and other free sites or enlist the help of a real estate agent.
  • Estimating Rehab Costs: This refers to the general cost required to get the property in a condition suitable for the average homeowner. You can use a rehab calculator to get a general estimate, but the best strategy is to get multiple bids from reliable contractors.
  • Holding Costs: Holding costs refer to the costs related to owning the property, including utilities, property taxes, lawn care, loan interest, and anything else that will contribute to your overhead.
  • Maximum Allowable Offer (MAO): The maximum allowable offer (MAO) refers to the highest amount you could pay and still make a decent profit. MAO will be a very valuable metric when it comes time to negotiate. The MAO formula is ARV - rehab costs - holding costs - preferred profit. You can also use the 70% rule in house flipping, which states that you should not offer a seller more than 70% of the ARV to give yourself a comfortable margin.

It's also essential to develop a strategy for finding deals, such as searching property records, networking with wholesalers, or doing direct mail advertisements.

Read Also: How To Find Off-Market Properties In New York: The 4 Best Sources

fund house flipping deal in new york

Raise Capital To Fund The Deal

Once you feel confident in your abilities to find a deal, you'll need to get access to capital. Unless you plan on paying cash, you'll need someone to finance your deal. A traditional mortgage is not recommended for fix-and-flips because they typically offer higher interest rates for investment properties and prepayment penalties that will reduce your profits. So you'll need to look at other forms of financing, such as:

  • Hard Money Loans: Hard money loans are usually the best for fix-and-flips. They refer to high-interest, short-term loans secured by the property itself. Hard money lenders typically charge anywhere from 8-15% interest, but because you'll be able to pay it off once the home sells, you won't pay as much as a regular home loan.
  • Private Money Loans: A private money loan is a loan provided by a private individual or company, as opposed to a financial institution. Private money loans can be challenging to find, but if you know someone in your network with cash to invest who may be interested in your deal, this is a solid financing strategy.
  • Bank Financing: If you have good credit, you can get a flip loan or small business loan from your bank or credit union. You can often get competitive rates from bank financing, but the underwriting requirements may be more strict.
  • Seller Financing: Seller financing is when the seller acts as the lender and receives regular installments from the buyer instead of receiving payment in a lump sum. This may take some negotiating, and many sellers likely won't accept this arrangement. But if you can convince the seller to try this method, it can save you money in interest.
  • JV Partnerships: A joint venture is when a group of investors pool their money and go in on a real estate deal together. Doing so helps diffuse some risks and create a network you can rely on to help perform specific tasks. This is a solid financing strategy if you know a group of people interested in your investment.

Read Also: Hard Money Lenders 101: What Are They & How To Find Them

close on house in new york

Close On The House

Once you've identified a suitable deal and secured the financing, it's time to close on the sale. New York is an attorney state, meaning a bar-certified lawyer must be present at the closing to draft all the legal documents and transfer the title. So, if you still need representation, start looking for a good lawyer.

The closing process in New York is fairly standard and usually takes about 60 to 90 days. First, you'll arrange for the earnest money deposit to be put in escrow and then conduct a home inspection. You'll complete a title search and pay for insurance to protect you from errors or mishaps.

You'll then finalize the loan application process and schedule an appraisal if necessary. Finally, you'll conduct a final walkthrough and work with your attorney and real estate agent to finalize the necessary documents and pay the outstanding closing costs.

flip property in new york

Renovate The Property

Once the home is in your name, you can begin the renovation. It's best to hire a contractor and crew before the actual closing so they can get started on renovations as soon as you close on the same. The longer you hold the property, the more it will cost you in the long run. So it's best to draft a rough construction schedule before you even close on the property.

The exact schedule and cost of repairs will depend entirely on the condition of the home and the local market, but most homeowners pay attention to things like floors, kitchens, bathrooms, paint, and other cosmetic features. So if these areas need work, you'll want to focus your attention there.

The best thing to do is check market comps and consult your contractor. It also never hurts to get a second opinion and even set up a system of checks and balances to ensure you don't go over budget or get overcharged for certain upgrades or materials.

Read Also: How To Choose The Best General Contractor?

resell house in new york

Resell The House

You should consider marketing the property as you finish the construction. In most cases, you'll sell to a retail buyer looking for a home as a primary residence. Although, you may also consider selling to an investor who will rent the home to tenants if there is a solid rental market in the area. You may want to hire a real estate agent to help you find buyers.

Even though you'll have to pay a commission, they can sell the home faster and at a higher sale price, which will offset the additional cost. When you've found an interested buyer, the final step is to get through the inspection.

If it comes back positive, you're in the home stretch, but if it reveals something unexpected, you must return to the drawing board and complete the construction. Once the home's condition has been approved, you'll complete the closing process again and hopefully walk away with a handsome profit.

*For in-depth training on real estate investing, Real Estate Skills offers extensive courses to get you ready to make your first investment! Attend our FREE training and gain insider knowledge, expert strategies, and essential skills to make the most of every real estate opportunity that comes your way!

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How To Find Houses To Flip In New York

You can use many different methods to find houses to flip in New York. You could find someone with access to the MLS and look for foreclosures or pre-foreclosures. You could attend property auctions and bid on homes or network with real estate agents and other investors. You can check public records and look for notices of sale, lis pendens, and notices of default.

You could send direct mailers to homes in foreclosure or pre-foreclosure or simply drive around your neighborhood and look for abandoned homes, then knock on the door or find the owner in property records. There are countless strategies for finding foreclosures and pre-foreclosures, so you'll have to find a method that makes sense for you.

Do You Need A Real Estate License To Flip Houses In New York?

No, a license is not required to flip houses in New York.

A license is only needed if you plan to represent another party in a transaction and perform services such as negotiating, marketing the property, and fielding offers for a fee, but a license is not required if you are buying property for your own enjoyment, including investment properties.

*We also invite you to view our video on DO YOU NEED A Real Estate License To FLIP HOUSES? Host and CEO of Real Estate Skills, Alex Martinez, & Stan Gendlin get right to answering one of the real estate industry's top questions!

How To Flip A House In New York With No Money

It is possible to flip a house in New York with no money. However, you must be able to convince others of your vision. You need someone to pay the purchase price and repair costs, so one party involved in the deal must have cash. However, if you are good at spotting opportunities and marketing your vision to other investors, you don't necessarily have to provide the upfront capital.

Private money lenders are a good place for beginners to obtain funding without any cash in the bank because they can set their own requirements and may be willing to waive the standard underwriting requirements if they trust you.

If you have good credit, you can get a loan without a down payment, and many hard money lenders are laxer with underwriting requirements as long as the underlying deal is solid. So, you may have to do some extra work, but it's possible to flip a house in New York without money.

Best Cities To Flip Houses In New York

New York City tops the list of best places to flip houses in New York because of the high demand for real estate. It has a strong economy and a near-insatiable demand for housing. Plus, the median property value is $820,000, and homeowners in NYC are accustomed to paying over $1 million for a home, which means high earning potential if you can find a good deal.

However, there is a greater barrier to entry because prices are so high, and you may face stiff competition from other investors. Albany is another good place to flip houses, with a median property value of $284,433 and a strong economy supported by the state government.

Syracuse is another solid option for those on a budget with a median property value of $179,500, which has steadily increased by roughly 3% in the last year. Ultimately, any small city in New York with a stable economy and a housing market that shows consistent growth is great for home flippers.

Final Thoughts On Flipping Homes In New York

Flipping homes in New York is a great way to earn money investing in real estate without the long-term commitment of owning a rental property.

Although it certainly isn't easy, anyone with a work ethic and patience can master the techniques and learn this exciting business. Although, before diving in, be sure to do your research and understand the risks so you don't get in over your head.

We invite you to join our free training program at Real Estate Skills to equip yourself with the knowledge, insights, and strategies proven to generate substantial returns in the house-flipping industry. Don't miss out on the opportunity to capitalize on New York's vibrant real estate market. Sign up for our training today, and start your journey to financial freedom through successful real estate investment!

*Disclosure: Real Estate Skills is not a law firm, and the information contained here does not constitute legal advice. You should consult with an attorney before making any legal conclusions. The information presented here is educational in nature. All investments involve risks, and the past performance of an investment, industry, sector, and/or market does not guarantee future returns or results. Investors are responsible for any investment decision they make. Such decisions should be based on an evaluation of their financial situation, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.

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