House Flipping Jobs

House Flipping Jobs: How To Start Your Career In 8 Steps

flipping houses real estate business real estate investing strategies Sep 01, 2023

The potential to earn substantial returns has attracted countless investors to the real estate industry, and the good news is that venturing into this world might be more manageable than many assume. Anyone, regardless of their previous experience, has the potential to generate incredible wealth flipping houses in any market. Therefore, you've come to the right place if you're curious about how to start flipping houses.

While the idea of buying, renovating, and selling properties might sound like a giant leap, the truth is, that getting started isn't as complicated as it's often portrayed. House-flipping jobs can be done by anyone with a mind for due diligence and a propensity for hard work. With the proper guidance, there’s no reason you can’t navigate this path confidently.

This article will guide you through the essential steps to initiate your house-flipping journey. If you're eager to tap into the exciting world of real estate investing, get ready to discover how you can turn houses into profitable ventures. Here’s what we’ll cover moving forward:

*Before we begin our guide, we also invite you to view our video on How To FLIP A HOUSE For Beginners (Step-by-Step)Host and CEO of Real Estate Skills, Alex Martinez, & Stan Gendlin share how to flip a house from start to finish as a beginner! 


Together, Alex & Stan have completed over 1,000+ house flips. What you learn in this video will give you the confidence and guidance to successfully complete your fix-and-flip project!


What Is House Flipping?

Imagine turning neglected properties into someone else’s dream home; that's the heart of house flipping. If you're new to house-flipping jobs, it's all about buying houses below market value, revamping them to boost their appeal and value, and finally selling them for a profit.

what are flipping houses jobs

Here's the breakdown: First, you scout for properties priced lower than their potential market value. These houses often need some or a lot of work to be brought up to their desired condition. Next, you dive into the "flipping houses jobs" of rehabbing; this involves making improvements, from cosmetic touches to structural enhancements, aiming to hike the property's market value. Once the transformation is complete, you resell the property, ideally at a higher price, to secure a profit.

When done correctly, house flipping can yield impressive financial returns. But remember, while the concept seems straightforward, the real magic lies in executing each step thoughtfully. As we guide you through the ins and outs of house flipping, you'll uncover exactly how to turn neglected houses into valuable assets prospective buyers will pay for.


What Can You Expect From A House Flipping Job?

The role of a house flipper is dynamic and requires investors to “wear many hats.” If for nothing else, a flipping-houses career involves everything from property acquisition to selling the home for a profit. As a house flipper, you're not just an investor; you're a strategist, a renovator, and a marketer all rolled into one.

Your responsibilities begin with meticulous property research and analysis to identify potential deals. Once you've acquired a property, the real work begins. You'll oversee every aspect of the renovation process, making decisions that impact aesthetics, functionality, and, ultimately, the property's market value. From managing contractors and budgeting for repairs to ensuring timely completion, your attention to detail is crucial.

As a house flipper, marketing is essential. You must present the property in its best light to attract potential buyers. The goal is to balance appealing upgrades and a price that reflects your added value. This combination will maximize your chances of securing a profitable resale.

Every house-flipping job type demands adaptability, a strong work ethic, and a knack for juggling multiple tasks. Remember, the rewards of a successful flip are a testament to the effort you put into each step.


Is It Still Profitable To Flip Houses?

It is still profitable to flip houses. While the landscape might have evolved, the profitability of flipping houses remains intact. The housing market hasn't diluted the potential for profits; it's merely shifted the dynamics.

The truth is the first quarter of this year saw the average gross profit of house flips reach $56,000, according to ATTOM Data Solutions. The potential for substantial earnings is still very much alive. In fact, total yields from typical flips nationwide rose by 4.7% compared to the previous quarter.

However, a word of caution: while flipping houses can be highly profitable, it's not a guaranteed path to riches. The key lies in understanding that profiting from home flips requires diligent effort, strategic planning, and a comprehensive approach. As a result, we'll explore exactly how investors can tilt the odds in their favor. So, if you're ready to grasp the nuances of real estate flipping jobs, continue reading as we unveil the strategies that can ensure your success in the world of flipping houses.

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Real Estate Skills Wholesaling and House Flipping Training

Read Also: Is Wholesaling Real Estate Worth It? An Investor's Guide


How Do You Start A Career In Flipping Houses? (8 Steps)

Unlocking the potential of flipping houses as a career requires more than just ambition; it demands a comprehensive strategy. Whether you're venturing into flipping houses jobs for the first time or seeking to enhance your expertise, our 8-step system is tailored to guide you through every facet of the journey.

start a house flipping career

From laying the groundwork with essential knowledge to reaping substantial rewards, each step is a vital building block in house flipping jobs. Let's delve into the details and equip you with the insights, skills, and strategies necessary to excel in the dynamic world of flipping houses as a career:

  1. Find A House Flipping Mentor
  2. Create Your Budget
  3. Research Regions Of The State
  4. Evaluate Skills, Commitment & Time
  5. Find Financing
  6. Select & Purchase A Property
  7. Rehab The Property
  8. Rent Or Resell The Property


1. Find A House Flipping Mentor

Starting a career in house flipping demands a guiding hand, making a mentor an invaluable asset. A mentor with a track record and experience in house-flipping jobs can provide insights, share pitfalls to avoid, and offer tailored advice, propelling new investors toward success.

Their wisdom helps navigate the complexities of real estate, accelerates learning, and fosters a deeper understanding of the flipping-houses jobs landscape. In a world where every decision counts, a mentor's guidance can be the difference between stumbling and flourishing.

Ready to start your house-flipping career? Join Alex Martinez at his FREE training to learn how to get started with house-flipping and wholesaling!


2. Create Your Budget

Creating a budget is your compass to profitability. Crafting a meticulous budget empowers you to accurately gauge project costs, allocate resources, and avoid financial pitfalls. From property acquisition and renovation expenses to unforeseen contingencies, a well-structured budget protects against overspending. It ensures each investment aligns with your financial goals and maximizes returns.

Additionally, the budget will determine where you can invest. Each of these cities, for example, coincides with different price ranges for local investors:

  • Atlanta, GA
  • Greenville, SC
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • San Diego, CA
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • New York, NY


3. Research Regions Of The State

Taking on flipping houses jobs means diving into the diverse landscapes of real estate markets. The third step of your journey involves researching regions of the state to identify lucrative opportunities. Investigating market trends, property values, and neighborhood dynamics empowers you to pinpoint areas ripe for investment.

Understanding regional characteristics ensures your house flipping jobs align with demand, enabling you to make informed decisions. Whether you're eyeing urban revitalization or suburban charm, researching regions equips you with the strategic insight needed to choose the most promising properties.

Read Also: The 5 Best Places To Flip Houses


4. Evaluate Skills, Commitment & Time

Before you start individual house-flipping jobs, evaluating yourself is paramount. Candidly assess your skills and the time you can dedicate to flipping houses. An unbiased look at your capabilities and commitments is vital.

It aligns your endeavors with your strengths, helps you identify improvement areas, and ensures realistic project timelines. Acknowledging your limitations is a strategic move, enabling you to partner with professionals when needed. Understanding your role and limitations will pave the way for effective planning and execution.


5. Find Financing

Securing financing stands as a pivotal step in launching your real estate investing and flipping houses career. Adequate financing is the cornerstone, enabling you to acquire properties, fund renovations, and navigate the ebb and flow of the market.

Whether through traditional loans, private lenders, hard money lenders, or creative funding, the right financing propels your ventures forward. It empowers you to seize opportunities that align with your strategy, leveraging resources for maximum returns.

Read Also: Fix & Flip Loans: A Beginner's Guide To Funding A House Flip


6. Select & Purchase A Property

Selecting and purchasing a foreclosure property marks a pivotal step in the home-flipping process. This step epitomizes your strategic mindset, which requires aligning your goals with the right property. Careful consideration of location, condition, and potential for profit is of the utmost importance.

Each property you choose is a blank canvas; renovations will transform it into a valuable finished product. The meticulous selection and purchase process set the stage for your profitable endeavor.


7. Rehab The Property

Rehabbing the property is where your creativity can lead to a more profitable deal. However, it's not enough to take on any house-flipping job description—you must select projects that promise the highest return on investment (ROI). Strategic improvements that enhance both aesthetics and functionality are key.

Analyze the market trends, identify what buyers or renters value most, and tailor your renovations accordingly. Your goal is to amplify the property's appeal while optimizing costs. Each carefully chosen upgrade brings you closer to unlocking the property's full potential, ensuring that every dollar invested contributes to a substantial return.

Read Also: Flipping A House Checklist: 10 Essential Steps For Rehabbing


8. Rent Or Resell The Property

The final step in your real estate investing and flipping houses journey is deciding whether to rent or resell the property you've meticulously transformed. Either way, implement intelligent marketing tactics, showcase the property's unique features, and highlight the value-added renovations.

Pricing the property competitively while maximizing your profit margin is a delicate balance. Mastering the art of negotiation can also play a pivotal role in achieving your desired “for sale” price.


Do You Need A Real Estate License For A House Flipping Job?

Investors do not need a real estate license to flip houses, as licensing isn't a prerequisite for buying, renovating, and selling properties. However, becoming licensed offers benefits like access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and potential savings on commissions.

Yet, deciding to pursue a license involves weighing these advantages against the costs of education, exams, and ongoing fees. While licensing can enhance market knowledge and negotiation skills, investors must assess if the benefits align with their long-term goals and justify the investment of time and resources.

*Check out our in-depth video on "How to Gain Access to the MLS Without a License." We cover key insights and practical tips to unlock potential property opportunities you might have been missing out on!


How To Structure A House-Flipping Business

Structuring your house-flipping business is crucial for operational efficiency and mitigating litigious risks and liabilities. Proper legal structuring safeguards your assets and shields you from potential legal complications. There are several legal entities to consider, each with distinct advantages.

S corporations offer pass-through taxation and limited liability, while C corporations provide more extensive liability protection but entail complex tax regulations. Limited Liability Partnerships distribute management responsibilities among partners while maintaining liability protection.

However, the most common choice for single-owned businesses in house-flipping is a Limited Liability Company (LLC). LLCs offer a compelling blend of liability protection and simplified administration. They shield personal assets from business-related risks while allowing flexible tax structures. LLCs also provide a streamlined structure for real estate ventures, reducing administrative burdens and minimizing paperwork.

The decision to structure your house-flipping business should align with your long-term goals, risk tolerance, and taxation preferences. By opting for a well-suited legal entity, you can protect your assets and establish a strong foundation for profitable house-flipping endeavors.

Read Also: Taxes On Flipping Houses: The (Ultimate) Guide


How To Find A Contractor For House Flipping

Finding a reliable contractor for house flipping is one of the most critical steps in all house-flipping jobs. A skilled contractor ensures renovations are done efficiently and up to standards, ultimately impacting profitability.

To find a contractor, seek referrals from local real estate associations, fellow investors, or online platforms using a job alert. Review their portfolios, check references, and ensure they are licensed and insured. Maintain open communication and set clear expectations from the start.

Regularly monitor progress with milestones and checks to keep the project on schedule. Hiring a contractor who is trustworthy can make or break your house-flipping venture, making thorough research and practical management essential for a lucrative outcome.


11 Jobs Essential For Flipping Houses

flipping houses jobs

Success is a collaborative effort that may require a project manager. Beyond the essential role of a general contractor, investors often work alongside a diverse range of professionals. Several house-flipping jobs facilitate the project's different aspects, ensuring a smooth and profitable endeavor. Here's a glimpse of the eleven other essential roles investors frequently collaborate within their house-flipping journey:

  1. Demolitionist: A demolitionist plays a vital role in a house flipping project by skillfully dismantling and removing structures, creating a blank canvas for renovations.
  2. Real Estate Agent Or Realtor: Specialized real estate professionals can find home buyers, in person or online, that align with your investment strategy.
  3. Carpenter: A carpenter is instrumental in a house-flipping project, expertly crafting and installing various structural and aesthetic elements to enhance the property's functionality and appeal.
  4. Landscaper: A landscaper transforms outdoor spaces through strategic design and planting, boosting the property's curb appeal and overall value.
  5. Cabinet Maker: A cabinet maker contributes significantly to a house flipping project by crafting and installing custom cabinetry that adds functionality and aesthetic appeal to the interior spaces.
  6. Electrician: An electrician ensures the safe installation and maintenance of electrical systems, enhancing the property's functionality and modernizing its infrastructure.
  7. Drywaller: Drywallers may be the easiest to overlook all the house-flipping jobs, but that doesn’t make their role any less important. A drywaller will finish the interior walls and lay the foundation for the home’s layout.
  8. Plumber: A plumber skillfully handles the installation and maintenance of plumbing systems to ensure efficient water supply and drainage throughout the property.
  9. Painter: A painter applies finishes and coatings to surfaces, enhancing the property's visual appeal and giving it a fresh, updated look.
  10. Roofer: A roofer installs and maintains a sturdy, watertight roof that safeguards the property and adds to its structural integrity.
  11.  Flooring Contractor: A flooring contractor installs various flooring materials, transforming interior spaces and enhancing the property's overall aesthetic and value.

Read Also: Realtor Vs. Real Estate Agent: Salaries, Differences & Similarities


House-Flipping Jobs FAQ

Navigating the world of house-flipping jobs can be a rewarding yet involved experience, often accompanied by many questions. These inquiries shed light on the practical aspects of the house-flipping process, aiming to equip investors with insights for a successful venture.

From clarifying the scope of responsibilities to understanding potential pitfalls, here are answers to some of the most common house-flipping job questions.


How Much Does A House Flipper Make A Year?

The income potential for house flippers hinges on their ability to execute deals effectively, making the number of completed transactions a determining factor. Essentially, the more deals an investor takes on, the greater the potential for substantial profits.

With the average profit per flip hovering around $56,000, an investor's potential earnings can be calculated by multiplying this figure by the number of flips accomplished. Veterans in the field often complete more transactions annually due to their experience, while entry-level investors might start with a more modest number of flips as they hone their skills and knowledge.

That said, profits are not guaranteed, and investors are always at risk of losing their invested capital. However, that risk is mitigated with a sound plan and the system outlined in this article.

Read Also: Flipping Houses Salary: How Much Do House Flippers Make?


Can You Flip A House With 10k?

For those working with a limited budget, flipping a house with $10,000 is feasible through a strategy known as "prehab." A “prehab” involves minimal cosmetic repairs to enhance a property's appeal without completing significant renovations. This more affordable approach allows investors to update the property's appearance swiftly.

Alternatively, investors strapped for funds can opt for wholesaling deals, which don't require significant capital. Wholesaling involves finding distressed properties, locking them under contract, and then assigning the contract to another investor for a fee. This strategy doesn't demand upfront investment, making it accessible even with limited resources.


What Are The Requirements For Becoming A House Flipper?

Becoming a house flipper doesn't coincide with any official prerequisites; it's open to anyone interested in investing and committed to thorough research and hard work. The world of house-flipping jobs welcomes individuals with a keen eye for opportunities and a willingness to learn the intricacies of the real estate market.

While formal qualifications aren't mandatory, a successful house flipper embraces continuous learning, understands market trends, and develops a strategic approach to acquisitions, renovations, and sales. It's a dynamic field where ambition, diligence, and adaptability pave the path to success.


Final Thoughts On House Flipping Jobs

In the vast landscape of house-flipping jobs, real estate investing demands a diverse skill set. Excelling in every aspect, from finding mentors to managing renovations, significantly enhances the chances of success. Each role is a stepping stone toward profitability, and those who embrace the challenges and responsibilities have the potential to thrive in this exciting journey of house flipping.

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